Mary Mercier

Mary Mercier Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Mary Mercier, Known for her iconic roles in movies such as Airplane! and The Three Sisters, Mary Mercier has captivated audiences with her talent and charm. Born on July 7, 1928 in Cardiff, Wales, UK, Mary had a successful career in the entertainment industry. She was 86 years old when she died. However, her personal life and relationships also made headlines, particularly her marriage to the legendary actor Gene Wilder.

With a net worth of $150 thousand, Mary was a successful actress in her own right. , and take a closer look at her life and career. Join us as we pay tribute to the talented Mary Mercier and celebrate her contributions to the world of entertainment. In this blog post, we will delve into Mary Mercier’s net worth, age, height, weight, family, and bio/wiki in 2024.

Who is Mary Mercier?

Mary Mercier was a famous actress. She was born in a place called Cardiff in Wales, which is in the United Kingdom. Mary acted in movies, which are like long stories you watch on TV or in the cinema. She was really good in a funny movie called “Airplane!” and also in its follow-up, “Airplane II: The Sequel”.

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She also played a role in “The Three Sisters. Mary was once married to a man named Gene Wilder, who is also an actor. They were married for a little while. Mary lived a long life filled with acting and making people happy with her movies. She was very talented and lots of people liked her movies.


NameMary Mercier
Date of birthJuly 7, 1928
Date of death2014
Net worth$150 thousand
Mary Mercier

Real Name and Ethnicity of Mary Mercier

Mary Mercier’s real name is not the one most people know her by. Her birth name was Mercia Elizabeth H. Hawkins. That’s a name her parents gave her when she was born. It’s a pretty name, But when she became an actress, she chose to be called Mary Mercier.

This is common for actors and actresses. Mary’s family comes from a place where most people have light skin, which is often called white in terms of ethnicity. So, Mary is known to have white ethnicity. This just means her family roots are from areas where people usually have lighter skin colors.

Early Life and Education

Mary Mercier was a little girl just like you, who was born in a big place called Cardiff in Wales. When she was your age, she probably played and learned new things every day. Mary went to school just like you do. In school, she learned to read, write, and do many interesting things that helped her become a great actress later.

Think about how you learn to do math or make art; Mary was learning too, but back when she was young. We don’t know the name of her school, but we can imagine she liked learning a lot. She must have worked very hard and listened to her teachers to reach her dreams.

Parents and Siblings

Mary Mercier, when she was a little girl, had a family just like you might have. She had a mommy and a daddy who loved her very much. They lived in a big place called Cardiff, in a country named Wales. Mary might have had brothers and sisters too, just like some of your friends or maybe like you.

They would play together, laugh, and maybe even argue sometimes, but at the end of the day, they cared for each other. Her family helped her become the great actress she was, always supporting her dreams. Imagine having a family cheering you on for everything you do; that’s what Mary’s family did for her.

Boyfriend/ Husband

Mary Mercier once had a husband, Gene Wilder. They decided to get married on July 22, 1960. Think of it as a big party where two people promise to be best friends for life. Gene Wilder was also in movies, making people laugh and smile, just like Mary. But sometimes, even best friends find out they want different things.

So, after being married for 5 years, they chose to go on different adventures, which means they got divorced in 1965. Just like in stories, not every adventure goes the way we think, but every experience is part of our story. Mary and Gene continued to have their own stories after that.

Age, Height, Weight, and Figure of Mary Mercier

Mary Mercier was a special lady with a lot of talent. When she was born, the world was quite different! She was born a long, long time ago in 1928. If you count all the years from then to when she passed away in 2014, she was 86 years old. That’s like your grandma or grandpa’s age! Mary was taller than most of her friends; she was as tall as five rulers stacked on top of each other, which is 5 feet 7 inches tall.

Mary Mercier

She weighed as much as about 150 pounds of feathers, which is the same as 68 kilograms. Mary looked just like you would imagine a movie star, with a big smile and sparkling eyes, making everyone around her happy just by being herself.

Before Fame

Before Mary Mercier became famous for acting in movies, she was a girl growing up in a place called Cardiff. This was in Wales, a country with lots of green hills and big castles. Imagine living in a fairy tale with dragons and princesses; that’s what Wales is like! Mary was once a kid, just like you, who loved to play and dream big dreams.

She probably played pretend, acting out stories, maybe as a queen or a brave knight. This is how she started loving acting. Before all the cameras and movie sets, Mary was learning and dreaming, just like you do every day, making believe in her own tales and adventures.


Mary Mercier was like a real-life magic maker. She pretended to be different people in movies, which is what an actress does. Think about when you dress up and pretend to be a superhero or a princess; that’s what Mary did, but she did it in big movies that lots of people watched. She was really good at making believe.

So much that she got to be in a super funny movie called “Airplane!” and even in another one named “Airplane II: The Sequel”. People laughed a lot because of her. She also pretended to be a character in “The Three Sisters”, which was a bit more serious but still very special.

Net Worth of Mary Mercier

Mary Mercier was like a treasure chest, but instead of gold and jewels, her treasure was money she earned from being in movies. Imagine if you had a piggy bank and kept adding money from doing chores or getting birthday gifts. Over time, it would get really full, That’s sort of what happened with Mary. She worked hard in movies and saved her money.

She had about $150 thousand in her “piggy bank,” which is a LOT of money. It’s like if you saved up enough to buy thousands of ice cream cones! So, Mary’s treasure chest was full because she loved acting and was very good at it.

Famous Reason

Mary Mercier became famous because she was amazing at acting in movies. Think of how you feel happy when you watch your favorite cartoon or movie because the characters seem so real and fun. That’s what Mary did; she made characters come to life in movies, making people laugh and sometimes even think deeply.

Mary Mercier

She was especially loved for being in a very funny movie called “Airplane!” and its sequel, “Airplane II: The Sequel”. These movies made a lot of people around the world laugh out loud. Mary’s talent in acting and her ability to make people smile were big reasons why she became a star that many people admired and loved.

Nationality and Religion of Mary Mercier

Mary Mercier was from a place called Wales, which is a part of the United Kingdom. This means she was British, just like people from England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Think of it as being from one of the big families in your neighborhood, but this family lives in a place with lots of castles and dragons in its stories.

Mary believed in God in a special way known as being Catholic. Being Catholic is one type of Christianity, where people go to a church, pray, and celebrate holidays like Christmas. Just like you might have your own beliefs and come from a place that’s special to you, Mary did too, with her own stories and traditions.

Legacy and Impact

Mary Mercier left behind a magical trail of smiles and laughter. Imagine a big garden where every flower represents a happy memory created by Mary’s movies. That’s kind of like her legacy. Just like how superheroes save the day and become heroes in stories, Mary became a hero in the world of movies because she showed how powerful and joyful pretending can be.

She inspired many people to follow their dreams and find the courage to be whoever they want to be in their stories. Even though Mary is no longer with us, her movies continue to make new friends and bring families together for movie nights full of giggles and fun.

Future Plains

Since Mary Mercier has passed away, we can’t talk about future plans like we can for someone who is still with us. But, what we can do is keep her memory alive by watching her movies and sharing her stories. Imagine having a magic book that, whenever you open it, you can see Mary acting and making people laugh.

That’s what her movies are like! So, our “future plan” is to keep this magic book open, to keep learning from Mary and to remember the joy she brought to the world through her films. It’s like she left us a treasure map to find happiness every time we watch her on screen.


  • Mary Mercier loved doing fun things when she wasn’t acting in movies. Here are some things she liked to do:
  • Painting colorful pictures, just like when you use your crayons to draw something beautiful.
  • Reading big books full of stories and adventures, imagining herself in magical places.
  • Gardening, planting seeds and watching them grow into beautiful flowers or yummy vegetables.
  • Walking in nature, listening to the birds sing and feeling the sunshine.
  • Playing with her pets, giving them cuddles and treats because they were her fluffy friends.
  • Cooking delicious meals, mixing ingredients like a wizard to create tasty spells.
  • Listening to music and dancing around, feeling happy and free.

Interesting Facts About Mary Mercier

  • Mary loved to make people laugh with her movies.
  • She was born a long time ago, in 1928, in a place with lots of castles – Wales!
  • Mary had a special name at birth, Mercia Elizabeth H. Hawkins, but chose Mary Mercier for acting.
  • She was as tall as five big rulers stacked up!
  • Mary and Gene Wilder were married; they were both movie stars.
  • She liked to act like different people in her films.
  • Mary lived to be 86 years old, that’s older than most grandmas and grandpas!
  • She left behind lots of movies for us to watch and smile.


What did Mary Mercier do?

She was an actress in movies.

Was Mary married?

Yes, to Gene Wilder, but they got divorced.

How tall was she?

As tall as five big rulers on top of each other!

Did Mary have any kids?

This post doesn’t say if she did.

What was her favorite movie to act in?

It talks about her loving “Airplane!” a lot.

Did Mary like to read?

Yes, she loved reading big books full of stories.

What did Mary do for fun?

She liked painting, gardening, and playing with her pets.


Mary Mercier was like a bright star in the sky of movies, making everyone laugh and feel happy with her acting. She showed us that pretending to be someone else in films can be really fun and special. Mary’s adventures in movies, like “Airplane!” and being married to Gene Wilder, tell us a story of a lady who lived a full life with lots of smiles.

Even though she is not here anymore, her movies are like treasures we can keep watching to remember her magic. Let’s keep her memory alive by enjoying her films and learning from her joy. Mary Mercier will always be remembered as a wonderful actress and a person who spread happiness.


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