Anissa Felix

Anissa Felix Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Anissa Felix is a rising star in the entertainment industry, known for her powerful performances and captivating presence on screen. But aside from her acting skills, many are also curious about Anissa Felix’s personal life, including her net worth, age, height, weight, family, and bio. Born on April 10, 1991, Anissa is currently 33 years old and stands at just under 5’7″ tall. She comes from a multicultural background, with her father Larry R. Felix being a Global Currency/Banknote Consultant of Trinidadian descent and her mother Wendy Y Felix being an art, bitcoin, and wine enthusiast.

Anissa Felix is ​​married. Her husband is Federico Ulfo. The two have been married since 2021 and currently reside in Manassas, Virginia. Anissa herself is originally from Manassas but now calls Brooklyn, New York her home. As of 2024, her net worth is estimated to be less than $200,000, but with her talent and dedication, it’s clear that her star will continue to rise in the years to come.

Who is Anissa Felix?

Anissa Felix is a person who acts in movies and TV shows. She has been in some cool projects like “Survival of the Thickest,” “Diarra from Detroit,” and a movie called “Detroit.” Anissa was born in a place called Manassas, Virginia, but now she lives in a big city named Brooklyn, New York. Her dad is Larry and he knows a lot about money from different countries.

Her mom is Wendy and she likes art, special internet money called bitcoin, and wine. Anissa has a big birthday party on April 10 every year because that’s when she was born. She’s also pretty tall, almost as tall as a refrigerator! Anissa loves acting and is working hard to be even more famous.


NameAnissa Felix
Date of birth April 10, 1991
Net Worth less than $200,000
Anissa Felix

Real Name and Ethnicity of Anissa Felix

Anissa Felix’s real name is just like what you hear, Anissa R Felix! It’s a pretty name, She’s special because she comes from two different parts of the world. Her daddy’s family comes from a beautiful place called Trinidad, which makes her part Trinidadian. That’s a fun word to say! Trinidadian people have a big, fun carnival every year.

And her mommy’s side gives her Asian and Black roots. So, Anissa is like a mix of different worlds, making her super unique. Imagine having family from different parts of the globe; that’s Anissa for you! She shows us that being from more than one place makes you special.

Early Life and Education

Anissa Felix grew up in a place called Manassas, in Virginia. It’s a bit like the small towns you see in cartoons, where everyone knows each other! As a little girl, Anissa was always full of energy, kind of like a superhero waiting to discover her powers. She went to school like you, where she learned to read, write, and make lots of friends.

Anissa loved to play pretend, imagining she was in faraway lands or part of amazing stories. This love for stories and playing different characters helped her in acting later. School was where Anissa got her first taste of acting, maybe in a school play, just like you might have!

Parents and Siblings

Anissa Felix’s family is pretty cool! Her dad’s name is Larry, and he knows a lot about money from all over the world. Imagine all the different coins and bills he must see every day! Anissa’s mom is Wendy, who loves art and collecting things like bitcoin and wine. That sounds like a treasure hunt. Anissa grew up with them in a place called Manassas, which is not too far from a big city you might know, Washington, D.C.

We don’t know if Anissa has any brothers or sisters, like some of us do. Having siblings can be fun because you always have someone to play with or sometimes argue over toys. But whether Anissa has siblings or not, it sounds like she has a loving family that supports her dreams!

Boyfriend/ Husband

When talking about Anissa Felix’s heart, there isn’t much out in the open. Anissa Felix is ​​married. Her husband is Federico Ulfo. It’s like a secret garden where only the special people get to visit. Just like in fairy tales, sometimes princesses keep their prince charmings hidden until the right chapter.

Anissa Felix

What we do know is that Anissa is super busy being amazing in movies and maybe, just like in the stories, her true love story is waiting to unfold in its own perfect time. For now, her story is about her adventures, not about a boyfriend or husband.

Age, Height, Weight, and Figure of Anissa Felix

Anissa Felix is like a superhero in a movie, not because she flies or has super strength, but because she’s just the right age and size to do all her cool acting! Born on April 10, 1991 Imagine being 33 years old; that’s how old she is! She’s almost as tall as a big fridge, standing under 5’7″ tall. She weighs about 57 kg.

We don’t know exactly how much she weighs, but that’s like asking how heavy a cloud is; it doesn’t really matter because she’s perfect in her movies! Anissa is like a puzzle piece that fits just right in the world of movies, showing everyone that being yourself is the best way to be.

Before Fame

Before Anissa Felix became a movie star, she was just like any kid who loved to play and dream big. She grew up in a fun house in Virginia, where she could pretend to be anyone she wanted. Anissa always had a big imagination, playing different characters and making up stories. She was always the star of her own adventures, even before she was in movies.

Anissa liked to act in school plays, where she got to dress up and be on stage. It was like playing pretend but with lots of people watching. That’s how she learned she loved acting so much. She practiced a lot, always getting ready for her big moment to shine on the screen.


Anissa Felix is like a superhero in the world of movies and TV shows. She started acting in some cool projects that made people really notice her. Think of her as a painter, but instead of using paint and brushes, she uses her expressions and voice to create beautiful pictures on screen. She was in “Survival of the Thickest,” where she had to act like she was part of a big, wild adventure.

Then, she pretended to be Diarra in “Diarra from Detroit,” a story about a girl with big dreams just like Anissa. And don’t forget “Detroit,” a movie that tells a very important story. Anissa helps us see and feel the stories by being so good at pretending to be other people.

Net Worth of Anissa Felix

Anissa Felix is kind of like a treasure hunter, but instead of looking for gold or jewels, she’s collecting money by being amazing in movies and shows. Imagine your piggy bank, but for Anissa, it’s her talent that fills it up! As of 2024, her treasure chest, which grown-ups call “net worth,” is a little less than $200,000.

That might seem like a super big number, like if you tried to count all the stars in the sky! But in the movie world, it shows she’s just starting. With every film or show she does, she adds more to her treasure, bit by bit.

Famous Reason

Anissa Felix is like a star in the sky of movies because she acts in stories that make us laugh, cry, and feel all excited. She played in “Survival of the Thickest,” where she probably had to be very brave, and “Diarra from Detroit,” where she was like a girl with big, big dreams.

Anissa Felix

Imagine being the hero of your own story; that’s what Anissa does in movies! People know her because she pretends to be different people so well, it’s like magic. When you watch her, you forget she’s acting because she’s that good! That’s why she’s famous, like a magician of movies.

Nationality and Religion of Anissa Felix

Anissa Felix is from a place called America, which means she’s American. Just like how some of us come from different towns but we all live in the same big country. She also has family from a beautiful island named Trinidad, making her part Trinidadian too. It’s like having a piece of two different worlds! About what she believes or her religion.

It’s like a secret garden she keeps to herself. She is a christian. Just like we all have things we hold close to our hearts, Anissa does too. But the cool part is, no matter where we’re from or what we believe, we can all share in the fun of watching her movies.

Legacy and Impact

Anissa Felix is like a hero in her movies, making a big splash in the world of storytelling. She helps us see and feel the adventures and dreams of the characters she plays. By sharing stories from different parts of the world and showing us strong, brave people, she teaches us to believe in ourselves and our dreams. Anissa’s acting is like a seed she plants that grows into a big, beautiful tree.

This tree gives shade and comfort to everyone who sits under it, making the world a brighter place. Her work is like a gift, wrapping us up in stories that make us think, laugh, and sometimes cry, but always leaving us feeling a bit more connected and happy.

Future Plains

Anissa Felix has big dreams for her future! Just like when you imagine becoming an astronaut or a superhero, Anissa dreams of playing even more fun roles in movies and TV shows. She wants to be in stories that make you feel happy, sad, excited, and everything in between.

Anissa also hopes to work with other actors and actresses she admires, kind of like when you look forward to playing with your friends at school. Plus, she’s thinking about helping out in her community and maybe even starting a project that brings smiles to people’s faces. Anissa’s future looks as bright and sparkly as a starry night!


  • Anissa Felix has some fun hobbies that she loves to do when she’s not acting in movies or TV shows. Here are some things she enjoys:
  • Drawing: Anissa loves to make pictures with pencils and colors. She can draw animals, people, and even dreamy places!
  • Reading: She enjoys diving into big, exciting books that take her on adventures. It’s like finding a treasure chest full of stories.
  • Baking: Anissa likes to bake yummy treats like cookies and cakes. Imagine how sweet and delicious her kitchen must smell!
  • Dancing: She also loves to dance and move to music. It’s like playing a fun game with your feet! These hobbies help Anissa Felix have fun and relax.

Interesting Facts About Anissa Felix

  • Anissa Felix has a big family from different parts of the world.
  • She has a special day every year on April 10th when she gets older by one year.
  • Anissa is almost as tall as a big kitchen fridge!
  • She loves acting like she is someone else in movies and TV shows.
  • Her dad is super smart about money from all over the world.
  • Anissa’s mom loves art and something called bitcoin.
  • She lives in a big city now but grew up in a place with lots of trees and houses.
  • Anissa dreams of being in even more fun movies in the future.


What movies is Anissa Felix in?

She’s in “Survival of the Thickest,” “Diarra from Detroit,” and “Detroit.”

How tall is Anissa Felix?

She’s almost as tall as a big fridge, under 5’7″.

Where does Anissa Felix live?

She lives in a big city called Brooklyn, New York.

Who are Anissa’s parents?

Her dad is Larry, who knows a lot about different money. Her mom is Wendy, who likes art and bitcoin.

Does Anissa Felix like to bake?

Yes, she loves making yummy cookies and cakes.

What does Anissa do for fun?

She draws, reads books, bakes, and dances to music!


In our adventure through Anissa Felix’s world, we’ve learned so much! From her cool acting in movies to her love for drawing, reading, baking, and dancing. Anissa shows us that being from different parts of the world makes you special and that it’s awesome to dream big. She’s like a superhero in her movies, sharing stories that make us feel all kinds of happy and excited.

Anissa’s journey tells us to believe in our dreams, just like she does. Remember, everyone has a story to tell, and Anissa’s is just getting started. Who knows what fun adventures she’ll have next? Keep dreaming and maybe you can be a hero in your story too!


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