Gabriel Howell

Gabriel Howell Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Gabriel Howell is a rising British actor, known for his impressive performances in film and television. With a growing list of credits to his name, including Bodies, How to Train Your Dragon, and Nightsleeper, Howell has become a sought-after talent in the entertainment industry. At just 23 years old, this talented young actor has already made a name for himself, and his star is only on the rise. Standing at a height of 5’5″ with dark brown hair and eyes, Howell’s striking looks and captivating performances have captivated audiences worldwide. But there’s more to this rising star than just his acting skills.

From his education in BA Acting to his involvement in various sports teams and his passion for writing and filmmaking, Howell’s talents go beyond the screen. As we look to the future, it’s clear that Gabriel Howell’s net worth, age, height, weight, family, and bio/wiki are all things that we should keep an eye on as he continues to make his mark in the entertainment industry.

Who is Gabriel Howell?

Gabriel Howell is a young and talented actor from Britain. Imagine someone who loves to act in movies and plays, and that’s Gabriel! He has been in movies like “Bodies” and “How to Train Your Dragon.” Imagine dragons flying and actors pretending to train them – that’s part of what Gabriel does! He’s not very tall, about as high as your big brother might be, and has dark brown hair and eyes just like chocolate.

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Gabriel loves to play basketball and rugby, just like you might enjoy playing sports with your friends. He also enjoys swimming and creating stories and movies of his own. Gabriel was born in 2001, which makes him a young adult now, but he still enjoys doing things that kids and teenagers like.


NameGabriel Howell
Birth year2001
Net worthestimated $1 million
Gabriel Howell

Real Name and Ethnicity of Gabriel Howell

Gabriel Howell is his real name – just like the one you might find in a storybook! He’s from a place called Britain, which is far across the ocean. Imagine a land with castles, green hills, and lots of rain; that’s where he’s from! Gabriel is white, which means his family has been in Britain for a very long time.

Just like how some people’s families have been in other places for generations. Just like you, Gabriel has roots, which means his family’s story helps make him who he is today. Isn’t it interesting to think about where we all come from?

Early Life and Education

Gabriel Howell grew up in a beautiful place called Britain, filled with stories of knights and castles. As a little boy, Gabriel loved to pretend he was in his own movie, making up stories and acting them out for his friends and family. When he got older, he decided to learn more about acting, so he went to a special school. In 2021, he finished a big step in school where he learned all about acting.

This place taught him how to be even better at pretending and making stories come to life on stage and in movies. Gabriel worked very hard and played many sports like basketball and rugby at school too. He loves to swim and is really good at it!

Parents and Siblings

Gabriel Howell’s family is just like any other. He has a mom and a dad who love him very much. They always cheer him on, whether he’s acting in movies or playing sports. Gabriel might also have brothers or sisters, just like you might have siblings to play and argue with.

His family comes from Britain, which means they probably enjoy tea time and might even tell stories about knights and dragons. Gabriel’s family is super important to him; they’re like his team off the screen. They all support each other and share happy moments together, just like your family does with you.


Gabriel Howell is a person who loves to act in movies and play sports. When it comes to having a girl or wife, there’s no information available about that part of his life. Just like in some of your favorite stories or movies where the characters keep some things private.

Gabriel also keeps this part of his life just to himself. It’s like having a secret treasure chest; only he knows what’s inside. Remember, everyone has things they like to share and other things they keep just for themselves, and that’s perfectly okay!

Age, Height, Weight, and Figure of Gabriel Howell

Gabriel Howell is a young actor who’s as old as 23 candles on a birthday cake! Born in 2001 .That might seem a lot to you, but in the world of movies and plays, that’s still pretty young. He’s not very tall – if you can imagine five rulers stacked on top of each other, that’s how tall he is! Gabriel is about as tall as a big kitchen fridge, standing at 5 feet and 5 inches tall. We don’t know exactly how much he weighs, but just like in sports. He weighs about 67 kg.

What really matters is how well he plays his roles in movies and how happy he makes people. Gabriel’s look is unique with his dark brown hair and eyes, making him stand out when he acts. Imagine him as a knight in shining armor or a brave dragon trainer!

Height 5′ 5″
Weight67 kg
Hair Dark brown
Eyes Dark brown
Gabriel Howell

Before Fame

Before Gabriel Howell became a movie star, he was just like any kid. He loved playing pretend, running around, and making up stories. Gabriel grew up in a magical place called Britain, full of old tales and adventures. Even as a little boy, he dreamed of being in movies, telling stories not just in his backyard but to the whole world. He used to act out plays for his family and friends, using costumes and props to make everything feel real.

Gabriel also loved playing sports, like basketball and rugby, showing he’s always been part of a team. Before all the cameras and lights, Gabriel was practicing his acting and dreaming big, just like you might dream of becoming something amazing one day.


Gabriel Howell is like a superhero in movies. He acts and pretends to be different characters. Imagine dressing up and playing pretend every day; that’s Gabriel’s job! He’s been in cool movies where he gets to go on adventures, like “Bodies” where he might solve mysteries, and “How to Train Your Dragon” where he pretends to fly with dragons.

Gabriel also acts in “Nightsleeper,” which might be about exploring dreamy, night-time adventures. Every time he acts, he gets to tell a new story, making believe he’s someone else, from brave heroes to adventurous explorers. It’s like playing make-believe, but everyone watching believes it too!

Net Worth of Gabriel Howell

Imagine you have a piggy bank where you save all the money you get from birthdays or doing chores. Well, Gabriel Howell has a kind of big “piggy bank” too because of acting in movies and shows. People are really curious about how much money he might have saved in it. While we don’t know the exact number, like counting all the stars in the sky. His net woth is estimated about $1 million.

We think it’s a lot because he’s been in some really popular movies. Think of it as having enough to buy lots of toys, games, and maybe even a real dragon if they were real! But remember, what’s most important is that he loves what he does, just like when you play and have fun.

Famous Reason

Gabriel Howell became famous because he acts in movies where he goes on big adventures and plays pretend as different people. Think of it like when you dress up and play heroes with your friends; Gabriel does that, but on TV where lots of people can see him.

Gabriel Howell

He’s in a movie where he learns to fly dragons and another where he solves mysteries. Every time he acts, he gets to be part of a new story, like being a knight or a secret agent. People love watching him because he makes believe so well, it feels like you’re right there with him on his adventures!

Nationality and Religion of Gabriel Howell

Gabriel Howell comes from a country called Britain, which is a place with lots of history, beautiful green lands, and ancient castles. It’s like something out of a fairy tale! Britain is far away across the ocean from here, and it’s where people enjoy tea and stories about knights and dragons. Because he is British, Gabriel might talk a little differently than we do, with a fancy accent that sounds really cool.

As for religion, it’s something very personal, like a special secret between a person and what they believe in their heart. He is Christian. Gabriel keeps this part of his life private, like a hidden treasure chest that only he knows the contents of.

Legacy and Impact

Gabriel Howell is like a storybook hero who jumped right out of the pages into the real world to show everyone the magic of movies and stories. He’s like a magician with his acting, making people believe in dragons, heroes, and faraway adventures. Gabriel is teaching everyone, just like you, that it’s super cool to dream big and pretend to be someone else.

Like a knight or a space explorer. He shows us that using our imagination is one of the best powers we have. Every time he acts, he leaves a sparkle of magic, encouraging all of us to be brave, dream big, and create our own adventures.

Future Plains

Gabriel Howell has big dreams for his future! Just like when you imagine what you want to be when you grow up, Gabriel is planning more adventures in movies and shows. He wants to keep acting and maybe even be in a story where he’s a superhero or discovers hidden treasures.

Gabriel also thinks about making his own movies, where he can tell the stories he’s thought up, kind of like when you draw pictures and make up tales for them. Plus, he hopes to travel to amazing places for his movies, meeting fans and making new friends all over the world.


  • Gabriel Howell loves doing lots of fun things when he’s not acting in movies or pretending to be a dragon trainer! Here are some of his favorite hobbies:
  • Playing sports like basketball and rugby: Imagine throwing a big ball into a hoop or running across a field trying to score a goal!
  • Swimming in the pool: splashing and having a great time.
  • Writing stories and movies: Gabriel uses his imagination to create exciting adventures on paper that could one day become movies!
  • Making movies himself: He grabs a camera and directs his own mini-movies, just like a real movie director.
  • Learning stage combat: which means he practices pretend fighting for plays and movies, both with swords and without! Gabriel’s hobbies are super cool and show how creative and active he is!

Interesting Facts About Gabriel Howell

  • Gabriel was born in a place full of stories, called Britain. It’s like a land from your favorite fairy tales!
  • He learned to act in school, where he also played cool sports like basketball and rugby.
  • Gabriel can make up his own movies because he loves to write and film stories.
  • He’s good at pretending to fight with swords and without them in his movies.
  • Gabriel isn’t just about acting; he enjoys swimming and can imagine diving into deep, magical seas.
  • His hair and eyes are the same color as yummy chocolate.
  • Even though he’s grown up, Gabriel loves playing and making believe, just like you do with your toys and friends!


What movies has Gabriel been in?

He’s been in “Bodies,” “How to Train Your Dragon,” and “Nightsleeper.”

How tall is Gabriel?

He’s as tall as 5 rulers stacked up, about 5 feet 5 inches!

Does Gabriel like sports?

Yes! He loves basketball, rugby, and swimming a lot.

Where is Gabriel from?

He comes from Britain, a place with cool castles and stories.

What color are Gabriel’s hair and eyes?

They are dark brown, like yummy chocolate.

Can Gabriel write stories?

Yes, he loves writing his own stories and making movies.

What does Gabriel dream of doing?

He dreams of acting in more movies and maybe directing his own!


Gabriel Howell is like a real-life story hero, showing us all the cool stuff we can dream about, from flying with dragons to making our own tales. He reminds us it’s awesome to have big dreams and play pretend. Just like you enjoy playing with friends or making up stories.

Gabriel does that in movies for his job! Maybe one day, you’ll see him as a superhero in a new adventure or even directing his own film. Let’s keep cheering for Gabriel as he goes on more exciting journeys and remember, we can all be heroes in our stories, just like him.


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