Gary LeRoi Gray

Gary LeRoi Gray Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Gary LeRoi Gray, With an impressive career spanning over two decades, Gray has made a name for himself in the world of entertainment. He was born on February 12, 1987. From his childhood role as Nelson Tibideaux on The Cosby Show to his voiceover work in popular animated series like Clifford the Big Red Dog and The Fairly OddParents, Gray has captivated audiences with his versatile performances.

But aside from his acting skills, many are curious about his personal life, including his net worth, age, height, weight, family, and bio/wiki. In this blog post, we will delve into all these aspects and discover more about the talented Gary LeRoi Gray as we look towards the year 2024. So, let’s get started!

Who is Gary LeRoi Gray?

Gary LeRoi Gray is a very talented actor who has played in movies and TV shows. He was born on February 12, 1987.Imagine being able to change your voice to sound like different people or characters – that’s what Gary can do! He’s been in a funny movie called “Slappy and the Stinkers” and even voiced characters in cartoons like “Clifford the Big Red Dog” and “The Fairly OddParents.

Also read:

Gary played a character named Nelson Tibideaux on that show when he was just a kid, like you! He started acting when he was really young and has been in lots of shows and cartoons, making people laugh and enjoy his work.


NameGary LeRoi Gray
Date of birthFebruary 12, 1987
Birth Place Los Angeles, California.
Net worth$2 million
Gary LeRoi Gray

Real Name and Ethnicity of Gary LeRoi Gray

Gary LeRoi Gray is the name that shines bright when we talk about him. That’s his real name too! He didn’t have to pick a fancy stage name because his own name is cool enough. Gary comes from a place filled with sunshine and movies – Los Angeles, California. Now, talking about where his family is from, it’s like a mix of wonderful stories from different places.

This blend makes Gary unique and special in who he is. Imagine having a family tree that stretches to different parts of the world. That’s pretty cool, Gary’s story is not just about where he’s from, but also about the colorful journey of his family.

Early Life and Education

Gary LeRoi Gray was born in a big, busy city called Los Angeles, where movies and stars are everywhere! From when he was very little, Gary loved to act and be in front of people. He went to school just like you, but he also had to go to acting classes. This is where he learned to be so good at playing different characters.

Imagine going to school in the morning and then learning how to be a cartoon voice in the afternoon! That was Gary’s life. He worked hard in school and in acting, showing us that learning and following your dreams are both super important.

Parents and Siblings

Gary LeRoi Gray was born to two loving parents. His mom’s name is Jeanie Ellen Dickson, and his dad’s name is John William Gray. Imagine having a mom and dad who support you in everything you do, just like Gary’s parents did for him! They lived in a sunny place called Los Angeles, where Gary grew up.

Gary doesn’t talk much about brothers or sisters, so we’re not sure if he has any siblings. It’s like being in a small team or a big team, and Gary’s team with his mom and dad sounds pretty awesome. They all live in a city where dreams come true, and they help each other to reach for the stars!

Girlfriend/ Wife

Gary LeRoi Gray keeps his heart matters like a super-secret mission. It’s like he has an invisible shield around his personal life, especially about having a girlfriend or wife. Just like in some cartoons, where the hero keeps some things secret to protect their loved ones, Gary does the same.

So, we don’t know if he has someone special like a girlfriend or if he has made someone his wife. It’s a part of his life that he chooses to keep just for himself, away from the cameras and lights. Imagine having a secret treasure chest; Gary’s heart matters are locked away just like that.

Age, Height, Weight, and Figure of Gary LeRoi Gray

Gary LeRoi Gray is a grown-up who is 37 years old because he was born on February 12, 1987. When you look at him, you’ll see he’s taller than a lot of kids and even some adults! Gary stands 5 feet 9 inches tall, which is like stacking about nine and a half average-sized school rulers on top of each other.

Gary LeRoi Gray

He weighs 155 pounds, which is as heavy as about 155 footballs! Imagine trying to pick all those up. Gary is just the right size for all the roles he plays on TV and in movies. It’s important to remember that everyone’s body is different, and Gary is just perfect the way he is, doing what he loves!

Before Fame

Before Gary LeRoi Gray became famous, he was just a kid with big dreams in Los Angeles. Imagine playing in your room, pretending to be on TV or in a movie. That was Gary! He wasn’t always on shows or doing voices for cartoons.

First, he had to learn how to act and use his voice in special ways. He went to classes where teachers helped him pretend to be different people and characters. Just like when you learn to read or ride a bike, Gary had to practice a lot. He worked hard, always trying his best, which helped him become the star he is today!


Gary LeRoi Gray started acting when he was really young, almost like how old you are! He pretended to be lots of different characters on TV shows and in movies. Gary was even the voice behind some of your favorite cartoon characters.

He’s been in a movie about cheeky kids and a cheerleading film, and even played roles in shows that your older siblings might know. Gary didn’t stop there; he also made voices for characters in shows about a big red dog and a boy with fairy godparents.

Net Worth of Gary LeRoi Gray

Gary LeRoi Gray has saved up a lot of money from acting in movies and doing voices for cartoons. Think of a big piggy bank; Gary’s piggy bank is really, really big because he’s been saving for a long time. People say he has about $2 million in his giant piggy bank.

That’s like if you saved every birthday and allowance money without spending any for a super long time! Gary got this money by working hard and being really good at pretending to be different people and characters. It’s like getting paid to play make-believe, which sounds like a fun job.

Famous Reason

Gary LeRoi Gray is really famous because he was on a big TV show called “The Cosby Show” playing Nelson Tibideaux. It’s like when you play pretend, but he got to do it on TV where lots of people watched him! Then, he became the voice of some cartoon characters that you might know, like A.J. from “The Fairly OddParents.

Gary LeRoi Gray

” It’s super cool because he can make his voice sound like different people! Also, he acted in movies and other shows, making people laugh and enjoy. That’s why so many people know who he is. Imagine being famous for playing and talking in fun voices!

Nationality and Religion of Gary LeRoi Gray

Gary LeRoi Gray is like a superhero born in a cool city called Los Angeles, California, which makes him an American. It’s like if you were born in a place with lots of movies and sunshine, you’d be from there too! Now, let’s talk about what he believes in, like when some people believe in superheroes or fairy tales.

Gary believes in Christianity, which means he follows Jesus and learns about being kind and loving to everyone. It’s like having a big heart and sharing your toys with friends. So, Gary is an American who loves to spread kindness, just like a superhero from his favorite stories.

Legacy and Impact

Gary LeRoi Gray has left a big, sparkly mark on the world of TV and cartoons. Just like when you draw a picture and everyone says, “Wow!” that’s what Gary has done with his acting. Because he played so many different people and voices, lots of kids and grown-ups smile and laugh.

Imagine being the reason someone feels happy; that’s what Gary does! He shows us that using our talents can make the world a brighter place. It’s like if you’re really good at drawing or making people laugh, you’re sharing a little bit of magic. Gary’s magic is in acting and making voices, helping us all have fun and feel good.

Future Plains

Imagine Gary LeRoi Gray as a superhero, planning his next big adventure! Just like when you decide what game to play next, Gary is thinking about his future projects. He might act in new movies, or be voices for characters in cartoons we haven’t seen yet. Maybe he’ll even write stories that can turn into movies or TV shows! Gary wants to keep making people smile and laugh with his talents.

Plus, he might try new things that he’s never done before, like painting or learning to play a musical instrument. Just like when you dream about what you want to be when you grow up, Gary is dreaming about his future plans too!


  • Gary LeRoi Gray loves to do fun stuff when he’s not acting. Here are some things he enjoys:
  • Drawing pictures of superheroes and cartoons. It’s like making his own comic book!
  • Playing video games where he can go on adventures and solve puzzles. It’s super fun to beat the levels!
  • Watching movies, especially funny ones that make him laugh a lot. It’s like having a movie party every day!
  • Listening to music and dancing around. It’s a great way to have fun and feel happy.
  • Playing basketball with friends. It’s exciting to shoot hoops and score points! Gary’s hobbies make his days super awesome and full of adventure!

Interesting Facts About Gary LeRoi Gray

  • Gary LeRoi Gray started acting when he was very young, almost like your age!
  • He loves to change his voice to sound like different cartoon characters.
  • Gary has a big collection of comic books because he loves superheroes.
  • When he was a kid, he dreamed of being a voice for a cartoon character – and his dream came true!
  • Gary likes to help out at animal shelters because he loves animals.
  • He learned to dance just for a movie role, and now he loves dancing.
  • Every year on his birthday, Gary eats pizza because it’s his favorite food.


What does Gary LeRoi Gray do?

He acts in movies and cartoons, making different voices.

How tall is Gary?

He’s as tall as about nine and a half school rulers stacked up!

Does Gary have a big family?

We know about his mom and dad, but he hasn’t talked much about brothers or sisters.

Is Gary married?

He keeps his love life a big secret, like a hidden treasure.

What’s Gary’s favorite hobby?

He loves drawing superheroes, playing video games, and watching funny movies.

Why do people know Gary?

He was on a show called “The Cosby Show” and does voices for cartoons.

What does Gary believe in?

He follows Christianity, which teaches kindness and love.


And that’s the amazing story of Gary LeRoi Gray, a star who shines brightly in movies and cartoons. Just like a superhero, Gary has shown us that with hard work and a big heart, dreams really can come true. From being a young boy with big dreams in Los Angeles to making people all over the world smile and laugh, Gary’s adventure is super cool.

Remember, like Gary, you too can make your dreams come true by learning, practicing, and always trying your best. Maybe one day, you’ll be sharing your own wonderful talents with the world. Thanks for joining us on this fun journey to learn about Gary LeRoi Gray!


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