Justine Raczkiewicz

Justine Raczkiewicz Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Justine Raczkiewicz is a highly accomplished director and producer based in LA, with over 13 years of experience in the film industry. She was born on April 24th, 1985, making her currently 39 years old. Despite her relatively young age, Justine has already made a name for herself in Hollywood, working with renowned directors and producing several feature films that have premiered at prestigious film festivals. In addition to her successful career, Justine also has a noteworthy height of almost 5 feet 2 inches and a weight of approximately 60kg. Her net worth is estimated to be over $10 million, a testament to her hard work and talent.

Justine is also a strong believer in Christianity and has a well-rounded education, having graduated magna cum laude from Barnard College and trained at renowned institutions such as the American Conservatory Theater and L’École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq. Keep reading to learn more about Justine Raczkiewicz’s net worth, age, height, weight, family, and bio/wiki, and what exciting projects she has in store for 2024.

Who is justine raczkiewicz ?

Justine Raczkiewicz is a lady who makes movies and music videos. She started making movies a long time ago and has made lots of them. Some of her movies were shown at big movie parties called film festivals, which is very cool! She even won an award for being a super good movie maker. Justine decided to start her own company to make even more movies and music videos.

Also read: https://bioinfobook.com/biography/steve-sohmer/

She loves telling stories through her movies. Justine also went to some really great schools to learn all about making movies and designing things. She believes in being kind and working hard. Justine is a pretty amazing person who creates stories for people to watch and enjoy.


NameJustine Raczkiewicz
Date of birthApril 24th, 1985
Age39 years old
Net worthover $10 million
Justine Raczkiewicz

Real Name and Ethnicity of Justine Raczkiewicz

Justine Raczkiewicz is her real name, just like you have yours. It’s a special name given to her by her family. Just like your name tells a story about who you are and where your family comes from, Justine’s name does the same for her. People have different kinds of names based on where their families started. Justine’s name might make you think of faraway places or stories your grandparents tell. She is white.

As for where her family is from, that’s part of what makes her unique, just like your family’s story makes you special. Justine, like everyone, has a family tree with roots that reach out to different parts of the world, showing all the places they come from.

Early Life and Education

Justine Raczkiewicz was once a little girl who loved stories. She grew up in a big, sunny city called LA. Just like you go to school, Justine went to some very special schools because she really loved learning. She went to a place called Barnard College, which is part of a bigger school named Columbia University.

There, she studied really hard and did a great job, just like when you get gold stars for your homework. She also went to schools to learn about acting and making movies, in cities far away like San Francisco and Paris. Justine was always curious, wanting to learn how to tell the best stories with movies and plays.

Parents and Siblings

Just like you, Justine Raczkiewicz has a family with parents and maybe brothers or sisters. Her parents helped her become the talented movie maker she is today. They probably told her stories, took her to movies, and cheered her on as she learned to make her own films.

If Justine has brothers or sisters, they might have played make-believe with her or been the first to see her early movies. Just like your family is special to you, Justine’s family is very important to her. They helped her dream big and work hard to tell her stories through movies.

Boyfriend/ Husband

Just like some people have best friends or special someone they share ice cream and fun times with, Justine Raczkiewicz might have a boyfriend or a husband too. This person would be very special to her, someone she can talk about her movies with, laugh, and maybe watch stars at night. We don’t know much about this part of her life because Justine likes to ke ep some things private, like a secret garden.

It’s important for everyone to have someone they can share their happiest and saddest days with, and Justine is no different. She keeps her heart stories just for those who are very close to her, like hidden treasures.

Age, Height, Weight, and Figure of Justine Raczkiewicz

Justine Raczkiewicz is like a grown-up princess from a storybook born on April 24th, 1985 who is 39 years old. She’s not very tall, almost like a fairy, standing at about 5 feet 2 inches. That’s just a little taller than your dad’s big toolbox! Justine also weighs as much as about 60 small bags of sugar, which is about 60 kg all added together. It’s important because when she makes movies.

Justine Raczkiewicz

She needs to be just the right kind of strong to move things around and help her friends on set. Just like you might have your own special height and weight that makes you perfect for playing your favorite games, Justine’s height and weight make her perfect for creating her magical movie worlds.

Before Fame

Before she became a movie maker, Justine was just like you! She loved to play, imagine, and dream. When she was a little girl, she enjoyed watching movies and playing with her friends, making up stories and pretending they were in their own little movies. Justine also liked to draw and write her own stories, showing them to her family and friends.

She was always curious, asking lots of questions about how movies were made and who made them. Every day, she learned something new that helped her grow up to be the amazing movie maker she is now. Just like you learn and grow every day!


Justine Raczkiewicz is like a magician when it comes to making movies. She started her adventure in the movie world at a place called The Weinstein Company, where she learned to help make movies come to life. Then, she teamed up with a friend, Alexandre Aja, to create scary movies like PIRANHA 3D. They made 6 movies together that people from all around the world got to see at big film festivals.

In 2015, Justine decided to build her own magic castle for making movies and music videos called Building J. She’s like a captain sailing her own ship, going wherever her imagination takes her, making up stories for the whole world to see.

Net Worth of Justine Raczkiewicz

Justine Raczkiewicz has a big treasure chest, kind of like a pirate, but instead of gold coins, her treasure is money she earned from making movies and music videos. Imagine if you saved up all your birthday money, allowances, and the coins you found under the couch cushions.

It grew to be more than $10 million! That’s how much Justine’s treasure chest is filled. She worked really hard, like when you try your best at school or in a game, and her hard work helped her fill her treasure chest with lots of money.

Famous Reason

Justine Raczkiewicz became famous because she is really good at making movies and music videos. She worked with a friend to make scary movies that lots of people around the world got to watch at big movie parties called film festivals. Justine also made her own company to make even more stories come to life on the screen.

Justine Raczkiewicz

People really liked her movies because they were exciting and made them feel lots of emotions. Plus, she won a special prize for being an amazing movie maker, which made even more people know who she was. That’s how Justine became known for being super good at telling stories with her movies.

Nationality and Religion of Justine Raczkiewicz

Justine Raczkiewicz comes from a place called Los Angeles in a big country named the United States, which makes her American. Just like we have our own homes and towns, Justine’s home is in America, a place with lots of different people and stories.

She believes in Christianity, a faith that teaches about love, kindness, and lots of wonderful stories about helping others. Just like some of us might go to church or read special books with our families, Justine follows her heart and what she believes in.

Legacy and Impact

Justine Raczkiewicz is like a superhero in the movie world. She’s made movies that make people jump with joy or sit on the edge of their seats. Her work is like magic spells that stick in our hearts and minds. Imagine telling a story so good that people all over the world want to watch it; that’s what Justine does.

She shows that with imagination and hard work, you can create wonderful tales that light up big screens. Justine is like a star in the night sky, guiding the way for new movie makers, showing them that their dreams can come true too, and making the world of movies even more magical.

Future Plains

Justine Raczkiewicz has big dreams for the future! She wants to make even more movies and music videos, creating stories that no one has ever heard before. Justine plans to use her magic movie-making skills to take us on new adventures, to places far away and to worlds we can only imagine.

She’s also thinking about teaching others how to make movies, so they can share their own stories with the world. Justine believes that with a little bit of imagination and a lot of hard work, anyone can make their movie dreams come true. So, get ready for more magical movie moments from Justine!


  • Justine Raczkiewicz loves doing fun things when she’s not making movies. Here are some of her hobbies:
  • Drawing: Justine likes to create pictures. She uses pencils and colors to draw anything she imagines.
  • Reading: She loves to read books. Fairy tales and adventure stories are her favorites because they are full of exciting things!
  • Hiking: Justine enjoys walking in the mountains and forests. It’s like exploring new worlds.
  • Cooking: She loves making yummy foods. Sometimes, she pretends she’s a chef in her own cooking show.
  • Watching Movies: Of course, Justine loves watching movies too! She watches old movies and new ones to get ideas for her own stories.

Interesting Facts About Justine Raczkiewicz

  • Justine won a big prize for being a great movie maker at a film party called Hollyshorts.
  • She made her very own movie and music video castle named Building J.
  • Justine has learned movie magic in places far away, like Paris and San Francisco.
  • She likes to tell stories with her movies, making us laugh or jump.
  • Her movie friends include scary fish from PIRANHA 3D and a man named Alexandre Aja.
  • Justine has a big treasure chest because she’s super good at making movies.
  • She went to a school named after a lady, Barnard College, and did really, really well.


What does Justine Raczkiewicz do?

She makes movies and music videos.

How old is she?

She’s 39 years old, like a grown-up but still loves to play.

Is Justine tall?

She’s about as tall as 5 feet 2 inches, not super tall but just right.

Did she go to school?

Yes, she went to cool places to learn, like Barnard College.

Has Justine won any prizes?

Yep, she got a prize for being an awesome movie maker.

What’s her favorite thing to do?

Making movies, drawing, and reading fun stories.

Does she have a big treasure?

Sure does, she’s saved more than $10 million from her movies!


Justine Raczkiewicz is like a real-life fairy tale hero, making movie magic and sharing her stories with the world. She’s shown us that with big dreams and hard work, anyone can make their own stories come to life on the big screen. Justine plans to keep creating fun adventures and teaching others how to do the same.

She’s a star, lighting up the way for future movie makers. Remember, if you have a story in your heart, you can make it real, just like Justine does with her movies. Let’s look forward to more magical tales and fun journeys from Justine!


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