Steven Grives

Steven Grives Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Steven Grives is a well-known English actor and director, with a career spanning over four decades. Born on 16 March 1951 in Warwickshire, England, UK, Steven has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry, with notable roles in films such as Highlander II: The Quickening, Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles, and Scooby-Doo. He is currently 73 years old and stands at a height of 5′ 11″. Along with his successful career, Steven also has a loving family, including his wife Margitta Lang-Belz.

Whom he married in 1979, and their five children and three grandchildren. In 2016, Steven and his wife purchased a property in Tuscany, Italy, where they now reside. Apart from his acting skills, Steven is also an avid horse rider, jet skier, and tennis player. He also believes in Buddhism and has an estimated net worth of $1 million. Get to know more about Steven Grives and his life in this blog post.

Who is Steven Grives ?

Steven Grives is a famous actor and director from a place called Warwickshire in England. Imagine playing pretend for a job! That’s what Steven does. He has been in movies where he’s been a hero and in other stories where he goes on big adventures. Think about seeing yourself on TV, just like in your favorite cartoons.

Also read:

Steven has been doing this since before your parents were probably your age! Besides acting, he likes doing fun stuff like riding horses, playing tennis, and exploring the sea on a jet ski. Also, he’s got a big family with kids and grandkids. Steven believes in being kind and finding peace, just like the teachings of Buddhism.


NameSteven Grives
Birth date16 March 1951
Net worth$1 Million
Steven Grives

Real Name and Ethnicity of Steven Grives

Steven Grives is his name when he’s acting and directing movies, but just like you might have a special nickname, he has a real name too. Everyone comes from different places and families, which is part of what makes us special. Steven is from a place called Warwickshire in England, which is far away across the ocean.

His family background makes him White, which is just one of many colors of people in our big world. Just imagine, people from all over, with different stories and colors, making our world a beautiful place, like a huge box of crayons. Steven’s part of that big, colorful picture!

Early Life and Education

Steven Grives grew up in a place called Warwickshire in England, which is a big area with lots of green fields and old buildings. As a little boy, he loved playing pretend games, maybe as a knight or a wizard, which is kind of like acting in movies. Steven went to school just like you, where he learned to read, write, and do math.

But most of all, he loved stories, whether in books or plays, which is like a live movie on stage. He probably played in school plays, pretending to be different characters. This is how he started loving acting and decided he wanted to be in movies and on TV when he grew up.

Parents and Siblings

Steven Grives comes from a family just like yours! He has a mom named Johanna who loves him very much. Just like how your family might have brothers, sisters, or even pets, Steven’s family story is unique too. Although we don’t know if he has brothers or sisters, we know his mom played a big role in his life.

Imagine your mom cheering you on at a school play or a sports game – that’s what families do! They support and love each other. Steven’s family, with his mom and maybe brothers and sisters, are part of his big adventure, helping him become the actor he is today.

Girlfriend/ Wife

Steven Grives has a very special friend in his life, Margitta Lang-Belz. They decided they wanted to be best friends forever and got married on June 28, 1979. Imagine having a sleepover with your best friend every night! That’s kind of like being married. You share stories, laugh, and help each other.

Later, Steven found another best friend in his life, Leanne, and they now share their days together, living in a beautiful place filled with art and sunshine. Marriage is like a team, where two people decide to cheer for each other, share big dreams, and make every day an adventure.

Age, Height, Weight, and Figure of Steven Grives

Steven Grives is like a grandpa with lots of stories because he’s 73 years old! Imagine 73 birthdays with 73 cakes. That’s a lot! He’s also taller than most people in a room because he stands at 5 feet 11 inches tall. That’s like stacking almost six rulers on top of each other! And he weighs as much as a big dog, around 170 pounds.

Steven Grives

That’s not too heavy and not too light, just right for someone who loves to move around and play sports like Steven does. Even though we don’t talk about figures much, Steven is healthy and strong, perfect for all the fun activities he enjoys.

Before Fame

Long before Steven Grives became a star on the big screen, he was just a kid with a big imagination, growing up in the green, wide-open spaces of Warwickshire, England. Imagine playing in fields as vast as the ocean, dreaming of adventures and stories far beyond the horizon. That was Steven’s playground, where he first discovered his love for acting.

He’d pretend to be knights, heroes, or even villains, acting out tales that only lived in his imagination. This love for storytelling and pretending led him down the exciting path to becoming the actor we know today. Every big adventure begins with a single step, and for Steven, it all started with playing make-believe in those endless green fields.


Steven Grives has been in movies and shows where he gets to pretend to be lots of different people, from heroes to adventurers! Imagine dressing up for Halloween, but instead of one night, you get to do it all the time and it’s your job. That’s what Steven does as an actor.

He’s been in a big adventure with a quickening Highlander, traveled to Los Angeles with Crocodile Dundee, and even solved mysteries with Scooby-Doo. He also gets to tell other actors what to do when he’s the director. It’s like being the captain of a ship, leading everyone on exciting journeys!

Net Worth of Steven Grives

Steven Grives has a big treasure chest, kind of like the ones you see pirates have in stories, but his is filled with something called money. He has saved up about $1 million from playing dress-up and pretend in movies and on TV. Imagine having a million dollars! You could buy so many toys, candies, or even a big house.

But instead, Steven uses his money to live with his family, play his favorite sports, and travel to beautiful places. Having this much money is like having a magic key that can open lots of doors to fun adventures and happy times with family.

Famous Reason

Steven Grives became famous because he’s in movies where he pretends to be different people. Imagine playing a game where you can be anyone, like a knight fighting dragons or a detective solving mysteries. That’s what Steven does in his job! He was in a movie with a big, brave Highlander, went on an adventure to Los Angeles with Crocodile Dundee, and helped Scooby-Doo solve a spooky mystery.

Steven Grives

People all over the world watched these movies and loved the characters Steven played. This is why so many people know his name and why he’s famous. It’s like being known as the best storyteller in the whole school!

Nationality and Religion of Steven Grives

Steven Grives comes from a place called England, which means he’s British. It’s a land with big, old castles and stories about knights and dragons. Just like you might celebrate holidays like Thanksgiving, Steven celebrates things special to England too. Steven believes in Buddhism. Buddhism teaches about being kind, peaceful, and caring for others.

It’s like having a big heart and sharing your toys with friends. Steven likes to learn about being calm and happy inside, which is really cool. So, even though he’s from a place with lots of rain and green fields, his heart follows teachings from very far away, making his mind peaceful like a quiet pond.

Legacy and Impact

Steven Grives has been like a magical storyteller, making lots of people happy by pretending to be different characters in movies. Just like how a good story at bedtime makes you dream of wonderful adventures, Steven’s acting in films has done the same for many around the world.

His roles have shown us bravery, laughter, and the joy of exploring new places, from fighting alongside a Highlander to laughing in Los Angeles with Crocodile Dundee. Because of Steven, when people watch his movies, they get to travel to magical worlds without ever leaving their homes.

Future Plains

Steven Grives has some exciting plans for the future, like planting a giant garden in Tuscany, where he can grow all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Imagine having a magic garden where you can pick your snacks right off the plants! He also wants to make more movies.

Telling new stories that can take us on wild adventures to places we’ve never seen before. Plus, he plans to spend lots of time playing with his grandkids, teaching them how to ride horses and play tennis. It’s like having the best adventure buddy who also happens to be your grandpa!


  • Steven Grives loves doing lots of fun things when he’s not acting in movies. Here are some of his favorite hobbies:
  • Horse Riding: Imagine sitting on a big, gentle horse, trotting and galloping through wide-open fields. That’s what Steven loves to do!
  • Jet Skiing: Steven zips across the water on a jet ski, splashing and zooming like a superhero flying over waves.
  • Tennis: With a racket in hand, Steven hits the tennis ball back and forth, playing games and having a fun workout.
  • Going to the Gym: To stay strong for all his adventures, Steven exercises at the gym, lifting weights and doing exercises.

Interesting Facts About Steven Grives

  • Steven once bought a big house in Italy that used to belong to a famous artist. It’s like living in a museum!
  • He has been married to Margitta since 1979. They’ve been together like forever!
  • Steven has three sons, two daughters, and three grandkids. Imagine all the fun birthday parties!
  • He loves acting so much he even directs plays and movies. It’s like being the boss of the story.
  • Steven’s family lives in Brisbane, a sunny place in Australia. Sunshine every day!
  • He believes in Buddhism, which means he likes to find peace and be kind to everyone.
  • Steven’s mom’s name is Johanna. Moms are the best.


What does Steven Grives do?

He’s an actor, which means he pretends to be different people in movies and shows. It’s like playing dress-up but as a job!

How old is he?

Steven is like a grandpa age, 73 years old!

Can he ride a horse?

Yes, he loves horse riding! It’s like being in a fairytale, riding through big fields.

Does he have a big family?

Yup, Steven has five kids and three grandkids. That’s a lot of people to play with!

Where does he live?

Steven lives in a beautiful place called Byron Bay now, but he also has a house in Italy.

What is his favorite sport?

He really likes playing tennis and going fast on a jet ski in the water.

What makes him happy?

Steven loves making movies, spending time with his family, and doing his hobbies. Plus, he follows Buddhism, which teaches about being kind and peaceful.


In the world of movies and big adventures, Steven Grives shines like a star in the night sky. He’s been in cool films, making us laugh and feel brave. Imagine being a hero in stories that take you to magical places – that’s Steven’s life! With his big happy family, love for fun sports, and a kind heart from following Buddhism.

He teaches us to dream big and be kind. Remember, everyone has a story just like Steven, filled with adventures, love, and happiness. Let’s take a page from his book and spread kindness and joy in our own epic adventure of life!


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